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To Consider:
People are like dirt. They can either nourish you and help you grow as a person or they can stunt your growth and make you wilt and die.
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New online newspaper and resource bank
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- Category: Editorials
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Fkassan.info is an online newspaper and resource bank with focus on the classic journalistic tasks: scrutinizing those in power and distribution of knowledge. We also want to function as a resource bank in order to strengthen our readers' ability to safeguard their interests.
Democracy v.s. Authoritarianism
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- Category: Culture
Democracy cannot be taken for granted and it should not be reduced to the ability for people to be able to vote. Healthy democracies require transparency, accessibility and limited terms of those in power, to counteract greed and corruption that follow mankind.
Coronavirus and the Spanish flu
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- Category: Debate
Why it's advisable to avoid unnecessary personal contact and washing hands frequently to reduce the risk of catching the Coronavirus (Covid-19) and pass on the flu to others.